Saturday, December 4, 2010

Joys of Juicing

I read a nutrition book that told me "get a juicer- it will change your life". Really? A little machine you put fruit in can change my life?!
Turns out it can!
Who knew store bought juice was so terrible?
Well, I kind of did. After eliminating all juices that had their first ingredients listed as water and fructose... there weren't many affordable options besides the V8 fusion juices. Not too bad, and since you're not supposed to drink that much juice a day, it was enough. But when I recieved a juicer for my birthday, I was pretty excited!
Fresh juice! It's like drinking straight fruit! And knowing I'm starting my day with all of those fresh enzymes and nutrients... how can you beat that? And there are so many options! Turns out you can add carrot to any tart juice to sweeten it up and add a vitamin boost. Cranberries- so good for you, especially fresh! And our latest discovery- pomengranate carrot. Wow!
I've been lobbying everyone I know, telling them it will literally change their lives to get a juicer. After offering a few samples, I've gotten several converts already.
So try it! And if you're not ready to make the investment, go to a fruit and juice bar and try their pineapple carrot juice- you'll see. 
And as always, for more helpful tips and ideas, check out my page at

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jumpstart Weight Loss

One of the most simple, over-looked ways of jumpstarting your weight loss, and therefore increasing your motivation to continue on a healthy eating path, is to cut out soda altogether.
I know- WHAT!?
But seriously, why do we even drink that crap? It has zero nutritional value- empty calories. If you replace your soda with water you eliminate a huge chunk of calories from your daily diet with minimal effort. And if you've been drinking diet soda- check into the known effects of aspartame. You're better off with the sugar in regular soda.
Overall, only a healthy lifestyle (lots of fruits, veggies, grains etc) will keep those unwanted pounds off. But you have to start somewhere. Try one month with no soda, and see how great you feel.  And if you're really serious about getting healthy and losing weight, check into this ebook at You'll be amazed at how easy it is.