Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jumpstart Weight Loss

One of the most simple, over-looked ways of jumpstarting your weight loss, and therefore increasing your motivation to continue on a healthy eating path, is to cut out soda altogether.
I know- WHAT!?
But seriously, why do we even drink that crap? It has zero nutritional value- empty calories. If you replace your soda with water you eliminate a huge chunk of calories from your daily diet with minimal effort. And if you've been drinking diet soda- check into the known effects of aspartame. You're better off with the sugar in regular soda.
Overall, only a healthy lifestyle (lots of fruits, veggies, grains etc) will keep those unwanted pounds off. But you have to start somewhere. Try one month with no soda, and see how great you feel.  And if you're really serious about getting healthy and losing weight, check into this ebook at You'll be amazed at how easy it is.

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